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Sugaring (epilation)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sugaring, Sugar waxing or Persian waxing is a method of hair removal that has been in use since 1900 BC.[1][2] Historically, sugar was confined to the regions surrounding Persia until the first millennium AD. As a result, it is speculated that honey was the first sugaring agent. Sugaring was also known as sukkar or ?alawa in the Middle East, as a?dain Turkey, and as moum in Iran.[3]

Sugaring is often compared to standard waxing. During the process, a sugaring substrate sticks to and essentially removes hair without attaching to the skin. The substrate can be applied at room temperature or heated to a lukewarm temperature, minimizing the risk of burns.[4] For this reason, sugaring is generally preferred over waxing when it comes to removing hair from larger areas of skin.[3] Nevertheless, if you have sensitive skin, sugaring can result in skin irritation and reaction.[4] However, this can sometimes be prevented by taking an anti-histamine. Sugar itself is otherwise hypoallergenic.

There are some distinct differences between home and professional-use sugar paste. The majority of store-bought products contain wax, while homemade pastes often utilize sugar and other natural ingredients.

Sugaring: Made of all-natural ingredients, this method improves skin tone and texture, eliminates ingrown hairs, and does not burn the skin. This is the least painful of all hair removal techniques and is great for all skin types.

Customized Sugar & Chocolate Wax: This technique is the least painful of all techniques. The top of the hair will be removed with the sugar, and the labia area will be removed with the chocolate hard wax making this service super clean, faster, and longer lasting.

Sugared Heart Breaker: Have your unwanted hair removed through sugaring. I leave you with a colored landing strip formed into different shapes like a heart, triangle, or rectangle.

Additional Sugaring Services

• Sugar Bikini
• Sugaring Brazilian
• Male Sugar Wax 
• Sugar Chest or Back 
• Sugar Full Arms 
• Sugar Lips
• Sugar Full Legs 
• Sugar Half Legs 
• Sugar Half Arms 
• Full Body